Drawn to Simplicity

For a week or so I've had the recurring image of teacups sitting on wood - simply and orderly. As I've learned that things which recurr unbidden can hold importance I decided to buy a set of teacups and place them with an unused cutting board that was stored in my kitchen. The experience wasn't equal to Richard Dreyfuss's recurring image of Devil's Tower and zeal to manifest it out of mind in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" but it'll do. 

"Every force evolves a form." - Shaker Wisdom Saying

Sent from Ron's iPhone

2 responses
Beautiful! I'm finding my life drawn closer to such simplicity, even at the expense [sic] of fung shui [I don't follow the f.s. thought myself]. I realized that when I woke up one day and wanted to clean my house with a dumpster skip, and then change all my email addresses and not tell anyone, there was just too much "stuff" in my life. Now: keep paring away until we find (in physical space and in spirit) what the Quakers refer to as "the peace at the center." No skips or email changes were used in this life change!
LOL - agree...