Today, a half-day, is the final day of the retreat and a time to say good-byes, express gratitude to the staff who served the retreat and drive home.
Yesterday Fr. Thomas (86 years of age) gave two exceptional talks and literally seemed to speak on all and everything in a coherent, logical and inspirational manner. The only difference I could see in Fr. Thomas from when I heard him speak last September was that he sat yesterday (but appeared to have no less energy).
Areas covered included the meaning of Lent and the Cross, the human condition-predicament (stuck literally between heaven and earth), biological and spiritual evolution, Neil Bohr and modern physics, angels, Adam and Eve, Buddhism, the creation myth, scientism and creationism, the biological brain, programs for happiness based on instinctual needs for security, love and esteem, and power and control that are doomed to fail, the ultimate cause of human suffering, the limitation of belief systems, the parable of the Wedding Feast at Cana, Bernie Madoff, the meanng of the Trinity, incarnation and resurrection, the Op Ed of the New York Times, and of course contemplation and Centering Prayer and their relevance to all of the above. I think you get the idea.
My favorite take-home quotes? "God wants us to become God to the same extent that God became human. But, do you want to be God on God's terms or on your terms." "Every creature is our teacher."
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