I recently purchased a new gong for group prayer and meditation. This is one is large, 10 inchs in diameter, and has a deep, rich, resonating sound.
I recently purchased a new gong for group prayer and meditation. This is one is large, 10 inchs in diameter, and has a deep, rich, resonating sound.
Given the ability of social media to "push" one's information to the other media services one uses, I recently found myself curious as to how all of it hung together in my case. So I developed a presentation below with Prezi. It shows how LifeSprings here at Posterous sends my information to the other social media services I use. (LinkedIn is not included.)
Prezi is an alternative to the linear creation and presentation of slides using Powerpoint or similar software. In Prezi one creates in a free-form approach only one "slide" (though to call it a slide is a misnormer) that contains everything and then one zooms in and out and around to show the informational elements in a narrative, linear fashion.
Prezi permits improved display of the whole presentation in relationship to the parts (context) and relationships between the parts over standard linear approaches like PP. The unstructured creation canvas on which one develops the presentation also seems to facilitate brainstorming presentation ideas. There one isn't constrained by a set of sequential, lockstep slide templates (or bullet point prompts) and can easily add or then organize ideas as they arise. The structure of a presentation grows out of the thought process of entering and organizing information.
In addition, Prezi was designed to be used as a visual tool to support the speakers verbalizations and who is the focus of the presentation - the inverse is typical with most PP focused presentation.
This presentaton to LifeSprings is a first venture with Prezi for me. It was fairly easy to learn though it did take some time. I created the prezi below in about 2 hours. Prezi does require a different novel mode of thinking (non-linear) in the stage of presentation creation (unstructured) vs. the standard (structured) approach that takes awhile with which to feel comfortable - I'm still working on it. I'm looking forward to trying Prezi with other material and presentation requirements.
The bowl holding this bite of life was made by Brother Dean out at St. Benedict's Monastery in the Colorado Rockies. He makes all types of bowls from solid woods (including cherry) and sells them in the monastery bookstore to support St. Benedict's. I'll try to post a few snaps of Dean in his workshop with other bowels.
Sent from Ron's iPhone
If you're not on Twitter here is the iconic Fail Whale you see when the system overloads and you're unable to execute, ah..tweet.
Given the ability of social media services to "push" your information to other media services one uses, I recently found myself confused about how all of it hung together in my case. To clarify I drew this schematic.
Thanks to Steve Rubel for the idea of pushing lifestream information from a single point of origin that is always available (via mobile device, e.g. iPhone), in my case LifeSprings, my lifestreaming hub here at Posterous. Here is what my current configuration flow looks like visually - as best as I can tell : ) LinkedIn not included.
Sent from Ron's iPhone
In this case "new life" springs from underwater as this and other sculptures by the artist promote the growth of marine life, and note the inevitability of change. The story and more sculptures are at http://tr.im/q3Ci.