Aquatic Complex (pic)

As I try to do most mornings I generated real "sweat equity" with a swim at the Montgomery County Aquatic Center this morning. The pic was "stitched" from 4 individual photos to give a single wide view in one photo using the iPhone app Autostitch - works well and simply. Stitched photos remind me of the movie, "The Island of Dr. Moreau" and the good Doctor's unnatural creations!

In addition to the two pools in the pic there is a third pool to the right out of sight - nice complex.

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Life is a bowl of cherries - pix

The bowl holding this bite of life was made by Brother Dean out at St. Benedict's Monastery in the Colorado Rockies. He makes all types of bowls from solid woods (including cherry) and sells them in the monastery bookstore to support St. Benedict's. I'll try to post a few snaps of Dean in his workshop with other bowels.

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Hawk in Flight Video

This video (best viewed in enlarged mode) was taken from the window of my office at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. I often see this mature hawk in flight or sitting in the trees next to the parking lot. Despite the urban, developed setting of this area, the hawk has amazingly made a home here. It appears several times a week.

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Sign for Silence In Secret

"Prayer is the soul's sincere desire uttered or unexpressed;" - James Montgomery

"When you pray, go into your inner private room, close the door and secret...and your being will blossom and flourish." - Matthew 6:6.

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